Fengshui World
Fengshui World
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Waterway Point East Wing, #B2-18
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10am - 10pm

Fengshui World: "Better Fengshui Better Life"

At Fengshui World, we believe that a well-balanced and harmonious environment can positively impact all aspects of life. Our extensive range of feng shui services is tailored to meet the unique aspirations and needs of our clients. Our highly skilled feng shui consultants meticulously analyze the energy flow in residential spaces, commercial establishments, and landscapes, providing expert guidance to create a harmonious environment. We have successfully assisted thousands of clients in achieving their goals and improving their overall well-being.

Our services include: - Qimen Dunjia Divination
- Qimen Dunjia Divination + Bazi Consultation
- Bazi Consultation (Annual/Life Destiny)
- Auspicious Marriage Date (Registration of Marriage (ROM)/ Customary Wedding / Betrothal Ceremony)
- Auspicious Name Selection
- Caesarean Date Selection
- Caesarean Date Selection + Name Selection
- Home Fengshui
- Commercial Property Fengshui
- Annual Fengshui

Experience the benefits of better feng shui with Fengshui World.
